Written by Jock Dominie. £12, 276pp.
The Russian Revolution remains a landmark event in history. For the bourgeois historians, the October Revolution is thought to be a tragedy that set back the achievements of the “democratic” February Revolution, and allowed the Bolsheviks to wreak havoc on their citizens and the world. For the Stalinists, the events of 1917 paved the way for the birth of the USSR, which they point to as a prototypical example of “socialism in one country”. In reality, the February and October Revolutions were both part of the same proletarian revolution.
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The bourgeoisie can't do
The bourgeoisie can't do anything about climate change because it might interfere with their profit making. The planet and it's well-being are of no consequence to capitalism or the ruling class because they are only centred obsessively on profits. Also to try and do something about the climate would require genuine honest international serious cooperation. The bourgeoisie talk about this but they can't do that either. Their lives and superficial existence are all centred round their various national economies and profit making. International cooperation is out of the question. But international war is on the agenda. After this war there'll be little left to save.
The Guardian might see climate change as a problem but haven't got a clue that the real fundamental problem is the capitalist system itself which would sell even its mom and dad if it had one. As long as we have capitalism the world is up for sale. But understanding this is beyond even the grasp of Guerdian journalists so it seems. Or perhaps they're not allowed to say it. After all the Guardian is a bourgeois rag.
Scientist says mass
Scientist says mass extinction is coming