Race barriers flourishing in rotten UK

Alongside class division, racial discrimination grows like a weed on the capitalist manure heap.

Recent news is that institutionalised racism within the police force is worsening.

The Home Affairs Committee said in the ten years since the Macpherson Report aspects of police race relations, such as stop and search, had got worse.


In a context of generalised exclusion of "coloured people" from the upper echelons

"To become a member of this elite club of senior managers and directors, it isn't simply a question of whether you are able to do the job - other things come into play: social background, how you spend your leisure time, whether other members of that club would like to spend social time with you. All too often, people of colour fail these tests."

"Taking trend rates of the last seven years and projecting them forward shows that, if anything, the gap will widen," the report says. "The depressing implication is that there may still be a colour bar to management jobs 33 years after the passing of the Race Relations Act."
