
Glasgow - CWO Open Meeting


The contradictions of the capitalist system continue to bring misery to millions. Permanent warfare with all its “collateral damage” (rape, ruin and massacre), the growing inability of a sixth of the world to feed itself amidst an economy of plenty and the growing insecurity of living conditions even in the so-called advanced capitalist countries. On top of this the environmental damage capitalism inflicts on the world cannot be stopped as long as it is too profitable to carry on polluting. In all these ways the very survival of humanity is at stake. Our open meeting is to go beyond critique. It is intended to give discussion space to those who see that we need to find a way to a practical alternative, hence the title:

What is the Revolutionary Perspective?

Communist Workers’ Organisation - Open Meeting - Glasgow

Saturday June 28th 2008 - 2.00-4.00 p.m.

Partick Burgh Halls - 5-9 Burgh Hall Street (nearest Underground Merkland St.) - Glasgow - map:

PDF icon 2008-06-28-glasgow.pdf65.77 KB

Subscribe to the Fight!

The CWO, and the other affiliated organisations of the Internationalist Communist Tendency, have no other source of support but the donations of members, supporters and subscribers. Subscriptions enable us to continue our fight to present an independent working class viewpoint against exploitation, imperialism and war.

To help us in this fight subscribers can send sterling cheques to “CWO Publications” or you can now pay by credit or debit card.

For payment online by secure server go to and order a subscription to Revolutionary Perspectives. Our pamphlets can also be purchased via the same source.

Subscriptions (including postal charges) to Revolutionary Perspectives are:

  • UK £15 (4 issues)
  • Europe £20
  • World £25

And why not take out a supporters subscription (add £10 to each of the above amounts)? This will bring you early e-mails of leaflets, free mailings of our agitational paper, Aurora and other texts of the ICT.

London - Ninety Years On...

The Communist Workers’ Organisation invites you to a public meeting

Ninety Years On - What are the lessons of the October 1917 for the Revolution of Tomorrow?

Capitalism is leading the world to ruin. The future of humanity can only be assured if capitalism is replaced with a stateless system of production which produces for needs and production is by freely associated individuals. The question is how can this be achieved.

Today we are told by all kinds of commentators that the Russian Revolution was

A coup d’état which gave rise to the world’ worst tyranny and produced a system which collapsed under the weight of its own economic weakness in 1990

Was the October Revolution an unmitigated disaster which should rightly be consigned to the dustbin of history or, is the total disaster capitalism itself, and the October revolution a glowing beacon in the history of workers' struggle for emancipation from exploitation, poverty and war? Join us to discuss the significance of October.

Friends Meeting House (Room 10)
173-7 Euston Road
London NW1 2DJ
(opposite Euston Station)

Saturday Nov 10th 2007 - 2.30 pm

RP 43 - Errata

In the introduction to the "Private Equity Scuppered by Subprime Fallout" article, the sentence "has only wiped out 5% off world GDP" should be replaced by "has only wiped off the equivalent of 5% of world GDP".

CWO - New Address

With immediate effect the CWO has a new postal address. Please only write to:


To readers, subscribers and other correspondents

We have to announce that the Post Office have closed down our Sheffield postbox (without informing us) as a result of a dispute over their bureaucratic procedures.

If you have sent anything to the box (such as sub renewals) it should have been returned to you.

We will be announcing the new address for all correspondence within a few days which will appear first on this website and then in Revolutionary Perspectives 42.

We apologise for any expense and inconvenience which this might have caused.

CWO, 4.4.2007

Revolutionary Perspectives 41

Quarterly Journal of the Communist Workers’ Organisation

RP 41 was issued on February 16th.

It contains articles on Trident, the strikes in BA and the Civil Service, as well as those of Volkswagen (by our German comrades in the GIS) and the Bangla Desh garment workers. The latest imperialist manoeuvres in Somalia, Iraq, and Lebanon are analysed, alongside a reminder of the significance of the Falklands War twenty five years ago, both for British Imperialism and the working class. The issue also contains correspondence with Turkish communists on imperialism and an exchange on the task of communists today.

Still only £10 for 4 issues in the UK and £15 anywhere in the world, why not take out a subscription to get RP whilst it is current?
